Last updated on 16 Dec 2022

Worship Service
1:30 pmPre-Service Prayer Meeting
2:00 pmWorship Service
Worship LeaderDn Ben Yeo
SpeakerRev Dr Quek SY
MessageHave the Law or Grace, Choose! (Gal 4:22-31)
Lord's Day Activities
UshersJoe (IC), Joshua, Samuel, Dn Franco, Chin Cheong, Shuen Siang
SingspirationPr David
Mandarin TranslatorSerene
Sermon NotetakerAudrey
Adult Sunday SchoolLesson 10: "Resurrection"
Church Choir5 pm, L3 Sanctuary
Junior Choir5 pm, Room 03-08
UshersJoe (IC), Dn Ben, Eric, Pr David, Alan, Timotheus
Pianist/OrganistElena/Karen Haw
Mandarin TranslatorSara
Sermon NotetakerAnthony
Adult Sunday SchoolLesson 11: "His Ascension"
Church ChoirPractice will resume in 2023
Junior ChoirPractice will resume on 5 Feb 2023
Activities For The Week
Tue to Fri
YF Camp (Venue: Aloha Changi Chalet)
“Obey the Voice of the LORD our God”
Contact: Dn Emerson Ang
Pr Joshua Yong
8.00 pm
Prayer Worship (L3 Sanctuary)
“Doing What is Necessary”
(1 Kings 1:32-53)
Pr David Chew
(Pianist: Serene)
3.00 pm
Team Barnabas (also via Zoom)
In Mdm Chan May Ling’s home
Contact: Karen Lee
Rev Dennis Kwok
5.00 pm
Christmas Eve Praise/Baptismal Service (L3 Sanctuary)
“On Earth Peace, Goodwill Toward Men” (Luke 2:1-14) (Offerings collected will be channeled to the General Missions Fund.) 
For the three fellowship groups’ carolling after the Service, kindly contact the leaders of the respective fellowship groups.
Rev Dr Quek SY
News & Announcements
Junior Sunday School Christmas Program Today: All children, pl meet in Rm 02-03 after Service.
Family Worship (30 Dec, Fri, 8 pm): Venue: home of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Kee
Topic: “The Lord Jesus Christ - Doing the Will of the Father” (Luke 2:41-52)
Speaker: Rev Dennis Kwok Contact: Carol Lee
Services coming up! (Venue: L3 Sanctuary,Speaker: Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew)
(a) Year-End Service (31 Dec, Sat, 5 pm, Lord’s Supper):
“Teach us to Number our Days” (Ps 90)
(Offerings collected will be channelled to the General Missions Fund.)
(b) Church 17th Anniversary cum Dedication Service (1 Jan 2023, Sun, 2 pm, Lord’s Supper):
“Bless the LORD, O My Soul” (Ps 103)Pray and attend with a prepared heart! Bring a friend to be blessed as well!
Memory Verse For The Week
Galatians 4:31
“So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman,but of the free.”

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