Last updated on 18 Dec 2021

Worship Service
1:30 pmPre-Service Prayer Meeting
2:00 pmWorship Service
Worship LeaderDn Ben Yeo
SpeakerRev Dr Quek SY
MessageAre You Seeking the King of the Jews? (Matt 2:1-11)
Lord's Day Activities

Green: Joe (OIC), Swee Tiong, Chin Cheong, Joshua, Dn Ben

Blue: Alan, Daniel, David, Dn Franco, Justin

Yellow: Dn Emerson, Kai Leong

Pianist/OrganistKaren Haw/Hadassah
Mandarin TranslatorSara
Sermon NotetakerHui Jen
Adult Sunday SchoolLesson 9

Green: Joe (OIC), Martin, Joshua, Yew Nyen, Dn Ben

Blue: Alan, Daniel, Eric, Dn Franco, Anthony

Yellow: Shuen Siang, Samuel

Pianist/OrganistElena Seah/Hadassah
Mandarin TranslatorYirong
Sermon NotetakerYew Nyen
Adult Sunday SchoolLesson 10
Activities For The Week
8.00 pm
Prayer Worship (L3 Sanctuary)
“Let God’s Name be Magnified”
(2 Sam 7:22-29)
Dn Emerson Ang
(Pianist: Yih Lynn)
3.00 pm
Team Barnabas (also via Zoom)
Attendance in the home is limited to 5 visitors.
Contact: Karen Lee
Rev Dennis Kwok
5.00 pm
Christmas Praise Service
cum Baptismal Service (L3 Sanctuary)

Rev Dr Quek SY
News & Announcements
Jr Sun Sch Christmas Program Today: All children, pl meet in Rm 02-03 after Service.
Services coming up! (Venue: L3 Sanctuary, Speaker: Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew)
(a) Year-End Service (31 Dec, Fri, 5 pm):
“Pressing Toward The Mark”
(b) Church 16th Anniversary cum Dedication Service (2 Jan 2022, Sun, 2 pm):
“O Taste and See That the LORD is Good”
Pray and attend with a prepared heart! Bring a friend to be blessed!
Tithes and offerings collected at the following Services will be channelled to the General Missions Fund:
-- Christmas Sunday Service (today)
-- Christmas Praise Service (24 Dec, Fri) and
-- Year-End Service (31 Dec, Fri).
FEBC Basic Theology for Everyone
Day/Night Lectures (via live stream) and Online Courses from 3 Jan to 29 Apr 2022:
For details of courses and registration, pl go to
Registration will end on 16 Jan 2022.
Should you have any queries, pl email:
Tabernacle Bookroom: Storewide discount of 15% till this Friday.
This week’s opening hours: Sunday (today): 7.00pm to 7.30pm
Monday and Wednesday: 1.00pm to 6.00pm
Friday (Christmas Eve): 1.00pm to 4.00pm
Closed from this Sat till 2 Jan 2022 for stocktaking.
Memory Verse For The Week
Matthew 2:11
“And when they were come into the house,they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.”

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