Last updated on 28 Sep 2024

Worship Service
1:30 pmPre-Service Prayer Meeting
2:00 pmWorship Service
Worship LeaderDn Anthony Cheng
SpeakerRev Dr Quek SY
MessageIn Whatsoever State to be Content (Phil 4:10-13)
Lord's Day Activities
UshersJoe (IC), Dn Franco, Ernest, Choon Leong, Samuel, Justin
Pianist/OrganistKaren Haw/En-Si
SingspirationDn Franco
Mandarin TranslatorSara
Sermon NotetakerElyssa
BBKLesson 12: "The Lord's Supper"
Adult Sunday SchoolLesson 12: "Acts 27 & 28: Apostle Paul in Rome" (Pre-recorded)
Church Choir5 pm, L3 Sanctuary
Junior Choir5 pm, Room 03-08
UshersJoe (IC), Yew Nyen, Daniel, Chao Wei, Dn Emerson, Chin Cheong
SingspirationDn Ben
Mandarin TranslatorSerene
Sermon NotetakerShuen Siang
BBKLesson 13: "Prayer"
Adult Sunday SchoolLesson 1: "Introduction & Chapter 1"
Church Choir5 pm, L3 Sanctuary
Junior Choir5 pm, Room 03-08
Activities For The Week
8.00 pm
Prayer Meeting (L3 Sanctuary)
“Nothing of the Word of the LORD shall fall unto the earth” (2 Kings 10:1-17)
Dn Emerson Ang
(Pianist: En-Si)
3.00 pm
Team Barnabas (also via Zoom)
@ Mdm Chan May Ling’s home
Contact: Karen Lee
Rev Dennis Kwok
8.00 pm
Agape Love Ministry (No Zoom wef Oct 2024)
@ home of Mr & Mrs Wong Kai Leong
Contact: Karen Lee
Rev Dennis Kwok
3.30 pm
Children’s Fellowship (Room 01-05)
Children’s Day Special Program
Contact: Ng Boon Choo
Hadassah Chew
7.00 pm
Young Adults’ Fellowship (Room 03-07)
“Book Study on Job (12)”
Contact: Dn Franco Wong
Pr Joshua Yong
7.15 pm
Youth Fellowship (Room 02-03)
“Not Conformed, but Transformed - Environmental
Concerns & Sustainability”
(Rom 12:2)
Contact: Dn Emerson Ang
Rev Samuel Joseph
News & Announcements
Adult Sunday School (2024 Oct to Dec): The course on “Westminster Confession of Faith (I)” will commence06 Oct in L3 Sanctuary after the Service. (For details, pl see the church notice board.)
Adults’ Fellowship (12 Oct, Sat, 7.30 pm, L3 Sanctuary): “Watchful for the Lord’s Return: It is Near” (Matt 24:32-35) Speaker: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy
Cambodia Missions Trips coming up!
a) 14 to 21 Oct:
Purpose: VBS for Lively Hope, Agape, True Faith and True Gospel BPCs
Estimated cost: $500 per person (Jetstar flight $270, Accommodation $80, Food $150)
Closing Date: End Sep Contact: Ng Boon Choo

b) 19 to 23 Dec:
Purpose: True Gospel BPC 17th Anniversary, Christmas Service and Youth Gospel Meeting.
Estimated cost: $500 per person (Emirates flight $270, Accommodation $80, Food $150)
Closing Date: End Nov Contact: Rev Dennis Kwok
Memory Verse For The Week
Philippians 4:11
“Not that I speak in respect of want:for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

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