Last updated on 15 Jun 2024

Worship Service
1:30 pmPre-Service Prayer Meeting
2:00 pmWorship Service
Worship LeaderDn Emerson Ang
SpeakerRev Dr Quek SY
MessageCounted Loss for Christ! (Phil 3:7-8)
Lord's Day Activities
UshersJoe (IC), Choon Leong, Samuel, Chin Cheong, Dn Franco, Shuen Siang
Pianist/OrganistYih Lynn/Joanna
SingspirationPr David
Mandarin TranslatorSara
Sermon NotetakerAudrey
BBK-- Interview --
Adult Sunday SchoolLesson 11: "Acts 10: Gospel Door Opened to Gentiles (Part 1)"
Church Choir5 pm, L3 Sanctuary
Junior ChoirPractice will resume on 23 Jun
UshersJoe (IC), Dn Ben, Eric, Pr David, Dn Alan, Timotheus
SingspirationDn Franco
Mandarin TranslatorYirong
Sermon NotetakerDn Anthony
BBK-- Interview --
Adult Sunday SchoolLesson 12: "Acts 11: Gospel Door Opened to Gentiles (Part 2)"
Church Choir5 pm, L3 Sanctuary
Junior Choir5 pm, Room 03-08
Activities For The Week
9 am to 12 pm
Teachers’ Training 3 (L3 Sanctuary)
“Our Example in Teaching” (Lunch provided, 12 pm to 1 pm)
Contact: Ng Boon Choo
Pr David Chew
Tuesday to Friday
(9.30 am to 5 pm)
Combined Youth Conference
@ Gethsemane Media Centre, 33 Ubi Crescent S(408584)
“Ready to Reap What You Sow?” (2 Cor 9:6-8)
Registration: Conference Fee: $24
Contact: Dn Emerson Ang
Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy
8.00 pm
Prayer Meeting (L3 Sanctuary)
“God Answers Prayer” (2 Kings 4:28-37)
Pr David Chew
(Pianist: Serene)
3.00 pm
Team Barnabas (also via Zoom)
@ Mdm Chan May Ling’s home
Contact: Karen Lee
Rev Dennis Kwok
7.30 pm
Church Gospel Night (L3 Sanctuary)
"Is there Hope in this Life?" (Rom 5:1-10)
(Mandarin translation via headphones available)
Do use the invites available on the display table outside
L3 Sanctuary to invite your friends.
Pr Joshua Yong
News & Announcements
Men’s Fellowship (29 Jun, Sat, 7.30 pm, L3 Sanctuary):
“Role of the Christian Husband (Part 1): Marriage is a Divine Ordinance”
Speaker: Rev Clement Chew
FEBC Basic Theology for Everyone (15 Jul to 8 Nov 2024):
Please see the Insert for the list of courses offered.
Registration: 16 Jun to 4 Aug. Pl register online at
Any equiries, pl email:
Memory Verse For The Week
Philippians 3:7-8
“But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things,and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.”

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