Last updated on 23 Mar 2024

Worship Service
1:30 pmPre-Service Prayer Meeting
2:00 pmWorship Service
Worship LeaderDn Alan Tam
SpeakerPr Joshua Yong
MessagePurified for Service (Exod 29:1-18)
Lord's Day Activities
UshersJoe (IC), Dn Ben, Eric, Pr David, Dn Alan, Timotheus
Pianist/OrganistElena/Karen Haw
Mandarin TranslatorYirong
Sermon NotetakerEdrea
BBKLesson 10: "The Holy Spirit"
Adult Sunday SchoolLesson 10: "Know the Doctrinal Distinctives (7): VPI"
Church Choir5 pm, L3 Sanctuary
Junior Choir5 pm, Room 03-08
UshersJoe (IC), Dn Franco, Ernest, Choon Leong, Samuel, Justin
Pianist/OrganistEunice/Karen Haw
SingspirationEld Winston
Mandarin TranslatorSara
Sermon NotetakerElyssa
BBKLesson 11: "Baptism"
Adult Sunday SchoolLesson 11: "Know the Doctrinal Distinctives (8): VPP"
Church ChoirPractice will resume 07 Apr
Junior ChoirPractice will resume 07 Apr
Activities For The Week
8.00 pm
Prayer Meeting (L3 Sanctuary)
“Nothing Happens by Chance” (1 Kings 22:29-40)
Dn Emerson Ang
(Pianist: Yih Wei)
3.00 pm
Team Barnabas 16th Anniversary (also via Zoom)
@ Mdm Chan May Ling’s home
Contact: Karen Lee
Rev D.Kwok
5.00 pm
Good Friday Service (L3 Sanctuary, L/S)
“Christ Offered Himself” (Heb 9:6-14)
Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew
3.30 pm
Children’s Fellowship (Room 01-05)
“Books of the Law”
Contact: Ng Boon Choo
Hadassah Chew/
Karen Lee
7.00 pm
Youth Fellowship Gospel Rally (Room 02-03)
“Will I Get to Paradise?”
Contact: Dn Emerson Ang
Pr David Chew
7.30 pm
Men’s Fellowship (L3 Sanctuary)
“Spiritual Leadership in the Church:
Qualifications of an Elder”
(Part 4)
Rev Clement Chew
News & Announcements
Easter Sunrise Service (31 Mar, 6.30 am, Jurong Eco Garden):
“Christ the Firstfruits of Resurrection” Speaker: Pr Joshua Yong
Pls register via by 24 Mar.
Church ACM (13 Apr, Sat, 7.30 pm, L3 Sanctuary):
Attendance is compulsory for all Truth members. Do pray and come.
Important date to note: Deadline for members to submit proposed agenda items (if any): 3 Apr (Wed), 11:59 pm.
Church Bible Camp (10 to 15 Jun, Holiday Inn, Batam):
Theme: “Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?” (Acts 9:1-31)
Speaker: Rev Dr Jose Lagapa
Registration is open. Pray and plan to come for a time of spiritual refreshment and fellowship. Do book your leave early!
Cambodia Vehicle Fund: The TMS has helped to purchase a vehicle for Pr Tan Bun Kouy to facilitate his ministry in the villages, and for the safety of his family when travelling. The cost of the vehicle is about $38,000. If the Lord moves you to give, please designate the offering to ""Cambodia Vehicle Fund”.
Collection to date: $30,890

Kindly note that collection will close on31 Mar.
Calvary Pandan BPC Reformation Study Tour (2 to 15 Nov):
Calvary Pandan is organizing the above, and cordially extends this invitation to our church as well. Details are downloadable from the Calvary Pandan website.
Memory Verse For The Week
Psalm 24:3-4
“Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD?or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart;who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.”

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