Last updated on 23 Dec 2023

Worship Service
1:30 pmPre-Service Prayer Meeting
2:00 pmWorship Service
Worship LeaderDn E Ang
SpeakerRev Dr Quek SY
MessageThe Mystery of Godliness Revealed (1 Tim 3:16)
Lord's Day Activities
UshersJoe (IC), Dn Ben, Eric, Pr David, Dn Alan, Timotheus
Pianist/OrganistEunice/Karen Haw
Mandarin TranslatorSara
Sermon NotetakerDn Anthony
BBKNo class
Adult Sunday SchoolNo class
Church ChoirPractice will resume on further notice
Junior ChoirPractice will resume on 25 Feb 24
UshersJoe (IC), Yew Nyen, Daniel, Chao Wei, Dn Emerson, Chin Cheong
SingspirationPr David
Mandarin TranslatorSara
Sermon NotetakerEunice
BBKNo class
Adult Sunday SchoolNo class
Church ChoirPractice will resume on further notice
Junior ChoirPractice will resume on 25 Feb 24
Activities For The Week
9 am to 12.30 pm
Mandarin Translation Workshop (L3 Sanctuary)
(Pl see Insert for the workshop programme.)
Rev Zhu JW
Tue to Sat
YF Camp (Calvary Tengah BPC)
Delighting To Do God’s Will” (Ps 40:8)
Contact: Dn Emerson Ang
Pr David Chew
8.00 pm
Prayer Meeting (L3 Sanctuary)
“Effectual Fervent Prayer” (1 Kings 18:41-46)
Dn Franco Wong
(Pianist: Yih Lynn)
3.00 pm
Team Barnabas (No Zoom provided)
@ Mdm Chan May Ling’s home
Contact: Karen Lee
Yong Choon Leong
8.00 pm
Family Worship @ home of Pr & Mrs David Chew
“Lessons from the Spider - Perseverance” (Prov 30:24-28)
Contact: Carol Lee
Refreshment Coordinator: Mrs Audrey Tam
Rev D. Kwok
7.30 pm
Men’s Fellowship (L3 Sanctuary)
“Spiritual Leadership in the Church: Qualifications of an Elder” (Part 3, 1 Tim 3:4-5)
Rev Clement Chew
News & Announcements
Junior Sunday School Christmas Program on 24 Dec: All children, pl meet in Room 02-03 immediately after Worship Service.
Offerings collected during the following will be channelled to the General Missions Fund:
(a) Christmas Sunday Service (24 Dec 2023)
(b) Year-End Sunday Service (31 Dec 2023)
Cambodia Vehicle Fund: The TMS has helped to purchase a vehicle for Pr Tan Bun Kouy to facilitate his ministry in the villages, and for the safety of his family when travelling. The cost of the vehicle is about $38,000. If the Lord moves you to give, please designate the offering to ""Cambodia Vehicle Fund”.
Collection to date: $13,350
Closure of the entire carpark of Calvary Pandan BPC (31 Dec) from 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm for a Calvary Pandan buffet dinner. During this timing, no vehicles will be able to enter or exit the church premises. The gate between Galilee BPC and Calvary Pandan will remain closed due to ongoing worship service at Galilee at that time.
Tabernacle Books is closed till2 Jan 2024 (Tue) for their Annual Stock-Take.
Memory Verse For The Week
1 Timothy 3:16
“And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”

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