Who Holds the Keys of Hell and Death?
(Rev 1:17-20)

Speaker: Rev Dr Quek SY
Date: 19 Jan 2025

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Haw Yew Nyen

The one who holds “the keys of hell and of death” (Rev 1:18) is the Lord Jesus Christ. As believers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we share this Gospel (as taught in the Word of God) with unbelievers, it is like we have “the keys of hell and of death” in our hands. We are to be the mouthpiece of God by sharing the Gospel to unbelievers. We must not tamper with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We must faithfully share it according to Scriptures. It is through Jesus Christ alone that man can be saved from sin and hell. Our duty is to share the Gospel so that man can be saved.

There are three reasons why Jesus Christ is worthy to hold “the keys of hell and of death.”

1. The deity of Jesus Christ (Rev 1:17)

Jesus Christ is “the first and the last” (Rev 1:17b). He is the first and the last in His actions, authority and words. Jesus Christ performed the first act in the creation of the heaven and earth and He will be the One who will perform the last act. Everything is done according to His will. Jesus Christ is more powerful than any human authority because His rule is eternal while man’s authority is for a short while. Jesus Christ has the first and the final word. He can undo whatever man says, so that all things will be according to His sovereign and perfect will. All these prove that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

2. The humanity of Jesus Christ (Rev 1:18)

Hell and death are the consequence of man’s sin through the first man, Adam. As such, we are all conceived in sin and are bound for hell. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, took on flesh and blood when He came into this world through the virgin birth, and lived as a human being so that He can be our Perfect Substitute, to die on the cross for our sins. When Jesus Christ rose from the dead, He completed His salvific work; and our salvation is secured. Our sins are completely cleansed when we believe in Jesus Christ, and receive Him as our Lord and Saviour.

3.  The domain of Jesus Christ (Rev 1:19-20)

The domain of Jesus Christ’s salvific work is the entire world. All in the world who hear and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be saved, and their salvation is secured. John’s target audience are the “angels of the seven churches” (Rev 1:20), referring to the pastors and leaders of the church.

We must be sure of our salvation, live a holy life and share the Gospel, bringing sinners to the entrance of heaven. While our hope is in Christ’s return to take us to heaven, let us obey Him and do God’s work and will while He tarries.

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