Jesus in the Midst (Rev 1:12-16)
The omnipresence of God means that anywhere and everywhere is in God’s presence. And Jesus Christ is in the midst of all churches. 1. The location where Jesus is in the midst of (Rev 1:12) When Jesus spoke to Apostle John, he saw “seven golden candlesticks” which verse 20 tells us are the seven churches. Golden implies that God’s church is very precious to Him (Rev 1:12). The price God had to pay to make us into His church was the priceless precious blood of the Lord Jesus Himself. We are “golden” not because of what we have done but because of what Christ has done for us; and this must be our confidence. We must reflect Christ. The only way others can see the light of Christ in our lives is by our visible, physical testimony which must be ordered by Holy Scriptures. Is your light a light that shines forth the Saviour? 2. The description of Jesus in the midst (Rev 1:13-15) John, seeing “one like unto the Son of man” (Rev 1:13), emphasizes Christ’s humanity. And from “clothed with a garment down to the foot,” the Son of man he saw was Jesus, our Great High Priest. The ministry of the Great High Priest (our Mediator) is in the midst of God’s church. He makes it possible for us to be accepted by God. After we are saved, everything we do has a spiritual dimension. Our ministry as “golden candlesticks” and spiritual priests on this earth is important. We, precious in God’s eyes, are to do everything as unto the Lord. We are to be “white” (Rev 1:14) in our testimony, i.e. we are to be wise, holy and good. Our ministry has to be according to God’s Word. His “eyes were as a flame of fire” (Rev 1:14) means that Jesus’ eyes penetrate into our soul. We are not to be good outwardly only, but also inwardly. Our mind, motive and conduct must be one, righteous without any hidden agenda. We need to have discernment, and know how to protect our testimony for our Lord. In verse 15, “fine brass” means that God will judge without any respect of faces; and “many waters” means His voice is one of truth and encouragement, and it is very authoritative. He is our Great High Priest, the only Mediator between God and man. 3. The outcome of Jesus in our midst (Rev 1:16) The “seven stars” (Rev 1:16) are the angels watching over the leaders of the church. By holding them in “his right hand” (Rev 1:16), He holds the leaders of the church responsible for caring, watching and nurturing His church. Revelation 1:16 says, “out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword.” This means that God will use His Word, and thus God’s Word must be our focus. Revelation 1:16 say, “his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.” This reminds us that we have a duty to shine brightly for the Lord in this world that is in darkness. |