God Shall Supply All Your Need (Phil 4:14-23)
Speaker: Rev Dr Quek SY
Date: 06 Oct 2024

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Sermon notes taken by:

Mrs Sara Wong

In the Old Testament, God blessed His people both spiritually and physically when they obeyed Him (Lev 26; Deut 28) as they were a national witness for Him. For the church witness today, God’s blessings are spiritual. Our spiritual state is not determined by our physical possessions, but by the closeness of our walk with God. The word “supply” (Phil 4:19) means to make full.

1. Supply that demonstrates spirituality (Phil 4:14-17). In teaching the Philippian believers their responsibility in giving to those serving God full-time, Paul was careful to qualify that he did not “desire” (Phil 4:17, i.e. seek diligently) their gifts for himself, but that their giving would be evidence of their spiritual condition. He knew that they were thankful for his ministry, and that they gave so that he could concentrate on the spiritual work (no matter where he was serving).

The giving of tithes and offerings is clear evidence of a spiritually healthy believer or church. Those who serve God full-time are to be cared for so that they can concentrate fully on their God-given responsibilities. (In the Old Testament, the Levites and priests were fully supported by the twelve tribes.) A spiritually mature believer will have the right attitude toward material things. He will see them as from God, and will be a faithful steward to use them for God’s work.

2. Supply that is pleasing to God (Phil 4:18). The Philippian believers gave sacrificially, as evidenced by their effort to continue to give to Paul by sending their gifts through Epaphroditus, even after Paul had left Philippi. Like the Old Testament burnt offerings, their giving was “an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God” (Phil 4:18). They understood that all that they had, including their lives, belonged to God.

Ten percent of our income is to be given to the church for the church leaders to prayerfully appropriate as God leads and guides. This is our tithes. The remaining 90% is for us to manage responsibly, as we continue to trust in God.

3. Supply that is reciprocated spiritually (Phil 4:19-20). The Philippian believers gave materially to Paul for his ministry. In return, Paul prayed for them (Phil 4:19), i.e. Paul was blessing them spiritually. This is supply reciprocated. May all areas of our life (including our receiving and our giving) bring glory to His holy name (Phil 4:20).

Conclusion (Phil 4:21-23): Paul concluded his epistle with greetings. He was able to share the Gospel with those around him, and many “of Caesar’s household” (Phil 4:22) were saved. They too sent their greetings to the Philippian believers.

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