God’s Covenant Renewed (Exod 34:1-27)
Speaker: Pr Joshua Yong
Date: 22 Sep 2024

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Sermon notes taken by:

Mrs Joanna Hung

In Exodus 34:1-27, the children of Israel had sinned against God, and thus they would not be able to enjoy the full blessings of God’s covenant with them. Moses pleaded with God on behalf of the children of Israel, and God forgave them and renewed His covenant with them.

1.  Basis of the covenant (Exod 34:1-7)

As God renewed His covenant with Israel (Exod 34:1-4), He gave His commandments to Moses. The basis of the covenant is the law of God. God’s law is good and is given out of love. We must not despise God’s commandments. God also showed His presence and attributes to Moses through a cloud (Exod 34:5-7). This must have been very comforting to Moses. God showed forth His compassion and mercy to His people, and His longsuffering towards their failings. God is full of goodness and truth.

2.  Process for the renewal of the covenant (Exod 34:8-11)

The process for the renewal of the covenant was simply through prayer. Moses simply pleaded with God for His grace and mercy. Moses was not required to do anything else. It is not a complicated process to renew our covenant with God, and to return to God. When we sin against God, we must quickly confess our sins, ask for forgiveness and repent of our sins, and God will receive us back.

3.  Conditions for the enjoyment of God’s covenant (Exod 34:12-17)

Although God’s covenant with us cannot be broken, there are conditions in order that we can enjoy His covenant. As we belong to God, we must not love the things of this sinful world. God desires our wholehearted commitment. We must love Him exclusively. And He wants us to be pure in our relationship with Him. Thus, we must cut ourselves off from all things impure, and all things that will tempt us to sin.

4.  Practice of the renewed covenant (Exod 34:18-27)

Israel was to observe certain feasts now that their covenant with God was renewed. The feasts described were to help the children of God remember how God had delivered them, provided for them and taken care of them.

God also has a covenant with us Christians that cannot be broken. It is based on His promise. But when we sin against God, we cannot enjoy the full blessings of His covenant. We must confess and repent, and God will forgive us. His covenant with us will be renewed, and we can enjoy sweet fellowship with God once again. Let us resolve to live an obedient life, and enjoy the full blessings of His covenant.

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