Stand Fast in the LORD (Phil 4:1-7)
Speaker: Rev Dr Quek SY
Date: 01 Sep 2024

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Sermon notes taken by:

Mrs Sara Wong

To “stand fast in the Lord” (Phil 4:1) is to be stationary in the Lord, to refuse to be moved from Him, to remain with Him, according to what He has taught us in Scripture. It is a continuous action in every believer’s life, from the moment he is born again till the day when the Lord returns in glory. Though Paul was giving this command to the Philippian Christians, he tenderly called them “dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown” (Phil 4:1). They were his spiritual children. He wanted them to do well by standing fast in the Lord. Note: Those who can move us away from standing fast in the Lord are found in the church, and are those closest to us (eg: Peter, who was in the inner circle, was also the one who tried to stop Christ from going to the cross). One who is truly born again will want to stand fast in the Lord. When he sins, he will repent.

1.  Stand fast in oneness (Phil 4:2-3)

Euodias and Syntyche (two Philippian believers) had differences that were not doctrinal or moral issues. Paul beseeched them to have the mind of Christ, i.e. to be humble and to seek reconciliation. Remember how Jesus gave up His rights and went to the cross. As Christians, we are to bear His image, not ours. We must not let pride hurt our relationship with God and with others. Pride will cause disunity and mar the image of Christ in us. Some may not be able to worship God aright if we do not take that first step to apologise. When faced with disagreements, we are to deny self, and follow Christ’s footsteps of humility.

2.  Stand fast in the inner man (Phil 4:4-5)

The outward man manifests the inner man. When we rejoice in the heart with our Lord, we are at peace. As we know God more through His Word, deeper and wider will our joy be. Do not let sin (eg: disunity, an unforgiving spirit, etc) take this joy away. Our motive (our inner man) in coming to church must be right. It must be for Christ, not for ourselves or material things. We will resolve to protect our faithfulness. Our actions will be moderate (not excessive), and we will consider how others will be affected. Jesus’ return is very near. We will soon have to give an account to Him for all that we have done.

3.  Stand fast in trust (Phil 4:6-7)

Pray without ceasing, and give thanks to God. Tell Him all our problems, knowing that all that we go through are permitted by God for our spiritual well-being, for the strengthening and the deepening of our faith. And God’s peace will guard our hearts and minds. We must trust that our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us. Trust Him alone wholeheartedly, unreservedly, unfailingly. Know that He never fails. And He will never desert us, all the days of our life.

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