Confronting Sin (Exod 32:15-35)
Speaker: Pr Joshua Yong
Date: 11 Aug 2024

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Sermon notes taken by:

Mrs Haw Hui Jen

Confronting sin can be very challenging, for it requires courage, a deep sense of conviction and care for others. There are three things we can learn from Exodus 32:15-35 about confronting the sin of others and also of our own.

1) The means of (or need for) confronting sin (Exod 32:15-19a)

God has given His commandments for man to obey. As such, when we confront sin, we must always base it upon God’s holy standard, and not upon man’s own preferences. We must choose the standards set in God’s Word by which to live our lives. We are not to use the principles of this sinful world, neither do we judge according to our secular culture. When there is a breach of God’s commandment, and sin is committed, we must confront sin and stop it from further manifesting. We do this out of love for God and His holiness. To love God is to hate sin, thus we must confront sin, and not want to have any association with it. To disobey God and sin against Him is foolishness. God’s holiness and the upholding of God’s holy standards require us to confront sin in our own lives as well as in the lives of others.

2) The manner of confronting sin (Exod 32:19b-28)

Because of the severity of the sin that the children of God had committed, Moses threw and broke the two tablets given to him by God, shattering them into pieces. This act of Moses symbolised the severe breaking of God’s law by the children of God. To confront sin is to point out that the offence is an offence against God, and that it is a serious matter which must be dealt with. It must be done immediately, without delay. God hates sin, and if we truly love Him, we will want to remove sins from our lives as soon as possible, without the slightest delay. We must be accountable for our sins. We are not to give excuses, or blame others, to justify our sins. We must take a stand that is based on God’s Word and His standard when we deal with sins or issues that are arising in the world today.

3) The mercy in confronting sin (Exod 32:29-35)

The purpose of confronting sin is that the sinner will confess and repent of his sin, and ask God for forgiveness. Thus, confronting sin should lead to restoration because of God’s mercy. God is merciful and will provide a way for us to recognise our sins, repent and return to Him. We must have the desire to confront our own sins and remove them from our lives.

Confront sin and come back to the Lord.

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