Mark Them! (Phil 3:15-19)
Speaker: Rev Dr Quek SY
Date: 04 Aug 2024

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Sermon notes taken by:

Haw Shuen Siang

Marking a person has been our practice even before our salvation. As believers, we tend to be more forgiving of others. However, Paul states in Philippians 3:15-19 that it is needful to mark certain individuals within the church.

The basis for marking (Phil 3:15-16)

The basis for marking a person must be God’s Word (not Bible-Presbyterianism). It must not be based on man’s standard or opinion. It is also not based on denominational differences in beliefs and practices that are non-critical.

To “walk by the same rule” (Phil 3:16) is to use the same yardstick, i.e. God’s Word. And to “be thus minded…mind the same thing” (Phil 3:15-16) is to be of one mind, to be united. Such unity under God’s Word is crucial for the survival of the church and for believers to serve together in harmony. If there are some who are “otherwise minded” (Phil 3:15), i.e. in disagreement, God will one day reveal the truth to bring us all to be of one mind. Disunity in the church is dangerous and can render the church useless for God. We must walk in unity based on God’s Word.

The manner of marking (Phil 3:17)

On the one hand, there are faithful men like Paul in the church who are to be marked as examples for us to follow. On the other hand, there are those who disagree with the biblical doctrines. For such, we must give them time to come around to believe and agree. But if they still disagree and begin to sow seeds of discord, we must mark them and be careful of them.

Demas is such an example. Although considered a fellowlabourer by Paul in Philemon 24, things changed and Demas “having loved this present world” (2 Tim 4:10) left Paul. Paul had to mark Demas by naming him so that others may be warned about Demas. Besides naming the marked individual, the scriptural reasons for the marking (i.e. his transgression) must also be stated. It must be done in a judicious and careful manner, and not speculative.

The need for marking (Phil 3:18-19)

Marking helps to protect other believers by alerting them to that individual. Otherwise, their association with him (an enemy of the cross of Christ) may lead them to compromise their faith, or even be led away from the way of salvation. Marking the individual may lead him to realise his erroneous ways and to come to repentance of his sin. Thus, the serious consequence of destruction (Phil 3:19) may be avoided.

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