Spirit-Filled Service (Exod 31:1-11)
Speaker: Pr Joshua Yong
Date: 23 Jun 2024

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Sermon notes taken by:

Dn Anthony Cheng

The New Testament gives the qualifications of elders and deacons (eg: Acts 6, 1 Tim 3). Likewise in the Old Testament, elders with qualifications were appointed to lead and guide the children of Israel. These qualifications are unlike what the world looks for, e.g. natural ability, organisational skills, leadership qualities, etc. In the church, the qualifications are very different. Church leaders must be believers who have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And they must be Spirit-filled, i.e. guided by, and sensitive to, the Spirit’s leading. The filling of the Spirit enables, equips and empowers the believer for service when he yields to the Spirit and lives a Spirit-filled life. He must continue to seek to be Spirit-filled so that he can serve with spiritual qualities and bear the fruit of the Spirit. Without the filling of the Spirit, the believer will not have the empowerment of God to do His work.

In the Book of Exodus, God gave the blueprint for the construction of the Tabernacle, e.g. dimensions, materials, furniture, vessels, etc. And God appointed and instructed workmen to construct the Tabernacle (Exod 31, 35). Filled with the Spirit, they did God’s work in God’s way. And the result of that work was joyful, pleasant and delightful. Exodus 31:1-3 tells us that God is the Source of the filling, emphasising that the believer must seek God for the Spirit’s filling in service.

Three different aspects can be considered in Spirit-filled service:

1) Head: This refers to knowledge, the abilities to think, to reason, to counsel, etc.

2) Hand: This refers to administration and organisational abilities, a readiness to serve in whatever area God calls one to, to be hardworking, etc.

3) Heart: This is the most important aspect and it refers to humility, teachability, etc. The believer is constrained by love. He is submissive to God, dependable and led by the Spirit. This can only come through prayer, devotion and a close, personal walk with God.

To be skillful in service means we need to prepare, eg: church choir members have to work hard to practise and to develop their voice. And we must do our best to ensure that our work is done properly. And there is the important point of helping, teaching and guiding others (2 Tim 2:2) so that others can also be trained to do God’s work. In Exodus 35:34, Bezaleel taught Aholiab in doing God’s work.

Similarly, in the church, everyone serving must be Spirit-filled so that God’s work can be done for God’s glory. When the people are Spirit-filled, the fruit of the Spirit will be seen in the ministry. May the Lord fill us with His Spirit that our service for Him will be a Spirit-filled service.

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