A Holy Recipe (Exod 30:17-38)
Speaker: Pr Joshua Yong
Date: 09 Jun 2024

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Sermon notes taken by:

Mrs Haw Hui Jen

The Tabernacle was a holy place designed by God Himself for His people to meet with and worship Him. As God is holy, His people too must be holy when they worship Him in His Tabernacle. There are three principles of holiness that we can learn from Exodus 30:17-38.

1.  Seriousness of Holiness (Exod 30:17-21)

Every time the priests entered the Holy Place, they were required to wash themselves. This constant washing was a reminder that every time they approached God, they must renew themselves in holiness. The penalty for not doing so was death. This depicts the seriousness of holiness in our service to God. We must serve God seriously with a heart and a life that are pure and holy. However, this does not mean that we must be perfect in order to serve God. It does mean that we are to ask God to cleanse us of our sins, to seek His forgiveness and to repent of our sins. We must desire to seriously come before God in holiness, for He is a God of holiness, purity and perfection.

2.  Beauty of Holiness (Exod 30:22-28)

The anointing oil was made up of a mixture of spices and oil as prescribed by God to be used to consecrate the items in the Tabernacle and to anoint the priests. This recipe emitted a sweet fragrance, and was unique for use in the Lord’s service only. When our worship and service are in holiness, they will be like a sweet-smelling fragrance unto the Lord. Holiness is beauty to the Lord. As such, every element/part of our service must be holy. We must serve God in holiness, according to His Word, without compromising any principle of holiness. We are to maintain our holy testimony and fulfil all righteousness so that the beauty of our holiness will be pleasing to our God.

3.  People of Holiness (Exod 30:29-38)

Our service to God does not make us holy if we do not serve in holiness. We must make sure that we are holy first before we serve Him. Our service must always be according to His Word, and not based upon our own ideas and ways. Our continual holiness must show through our life testimony for we are distinct from the world. We must shine for Christ in this world.

As Christians, we must apply these principles of holiness and ensure that our heart and life are holy and pure, as we serve our holy God, and live to please Him.

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