Pastoral Letter 16 Jun 2024

My dear readers,

Is Your Path Without Death?

Proverbs 12:28: “In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death.”

The moral decisions we make most frequently reveal who we really are.

Life is a series of decision-making. The moral choices we make in life determine who we are as a person. A child brought up believing that it is acceptable to lie (because his parents failed to discipline him whenever he lied) will grow up to be a compulsive liar. To him, lying is normal. His heart has been deeply etched with “lying is acceptable” from birth to adulthood. A glutton eats as if there is no tomorrow, because growing up that has been the pattern whenever he eats. The child who cuts corners in all he does and is rewarded for it will continue to cut corners when he works. A rumour-monger is not born overnight. He began with a careless tongue among his friends who enjoyed his libellous talk. He will grow up rumour-mongering and the delight he brings with juicy news of the calamities and fall of others will make him a sower of discord with a nearly seared conscience. But truth-telling becomes a godly habit when a child is brought up in righteousness.

The question is, who is righteous?

All humans are born in sin because they are conceived in sin. Romans 3:10: “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.” Since there is none righteous, the path of righteousness is an illusive dream. All are liars, thieves, gossipers and sinners from birth to death. But by the grace and mercies of God, there is hope of deliverance and salvation in Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came from heaven to be the Son of Man. He was born perfect through the virgin Mary. Luke 1:35: “And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”

Jesus Christ was the Son of God and the Son of Man when He lived, suffered and died on Calvary’s cross for our sins. God raised Christ Jesus from the dead for our justification so that all who believe in Him as their personal Lord and Saviour will have all their sins forgiven; Jesus Christ paid it all in full. The moment God saves the sinner in Christ, God imputes him with the righteousness of God in Christ. He stands before God and man as if he has never sinned before. This is the great power of God's salvation in Christ. The sinner saved is now righteous within his soul. His life will be lived in righteousness. He has the strength from God to walk a path characterised by righteousness.

The literal translation of Proverbs 12:28 is: “In the well-trodden way of righteousness is life, and a beaten path is no death.” From the day of his salvation, the believer begins his way of righteousness. The work of the Holy Spirit who dwells within him propels him forward. He overcomes all the obstacles he faces with God’s help. The guide Book he lives by does not contain his own ideas of what is right. The Bible is not only the Word of God to him but the most nutritious food to his soul. He eats it every day. He loves it with all his heart, soul and mind. He delights in the study of it. His thirst and hunger for spiritual food are insatiable. The more he eats and drinks the Word of God, the more he wants! Enough is never enough when it comes to the Word of God.

Very soon, old and bad habits begin to change. Lying is replaced by telling the truth. Laziness is also a thing of the past as he works hard for his Saviour. He stops drinking alcohol, and he stops frequenting all the places where sin and the debaucherous lifestyle abound. He not only stops gambling but has a strong distaste for it when, before salvation, he was addicted to it. Smoking becomes unbearably foul to him, as if God has given him a new nose to inhale only fresh air, as opposed to when the choking stench of cigarette smoke used to be very addictive and fragrant to him. Spiritual activities like attending church for worship every Lord’s Day, instead of some sporting activities or sleeping in, have become a joy in his heart. Before, he thought attending church was a waste of time. Carnal activities ebb in attraction. Bible Studies, Christian fellowships, prayers with God's people, spending time meditating on God’s Word, ending the Lord’s Day in evening worship, and telling others about Christ are now his delight and daily and weekly activities.

By the grace and mercies of God, his way of righteousness evolves into a well-trodden way. His conduct and behaviour reflect the righteousness within him. His family witnessed the significant change best. They knew his old self and bad habits. Now, they see the new man in Christ and the godly habits that mark his life. His words are tactful and gentle. He becomes more patient and longsuffering with others. He seldom raises his voice. He is considerate and thoughtful. Others come first before self. He is helpful and offers his service without being asked. He is generous with his time and substance without any strings attached. He seasons his speech with salt. God is smoothing the rough edges in his life. He knows in his heart that his Saviour is waiting for him when his day of service is done. He lives and dies for his Saviour now. His heart swells with his Saviour’s love.

Death to him is a feared thing of the past, for he knows he will no longer die in sin because of Christ, who died and rose from the dead for him. Death is not just a defeated foe but is now a thin veil that separates his life from his beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ. He now sees his blessed Saviour by faith, but soon, upon the thin death veil’s removal, he will see his beloved Saviour by sight! The removal of this death veil is in the hands of his Saviour, whom he loves and trusts completely. He serves joyfully and faithfully and not just dutifully. By God's grace, he knows that his well-trodden way of righteousness reflects his new life in Christ; it will end on earth, but will definitely continue in heaven, his eternal home. He plods on regardless of how heavy the spiritual load. It seems light because his Saviour carries it with him as He promised. At times, when he is completely exhausted, his beloved Saviour carries it for him. He experiences daily the true promise of his wonderful Saviour in his service and holy witness for Him. Matthew 11:28-30: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

The use of synonymous parallelism in Proverbs 12:28 emphasises the importance of every believer living a well-trodden way of righteousness. There are too many today who call themselves Christians. Sadly, few live a well-trodden way of righteousness. Without this well-trodden way of righteousness, which is life, how can the professing Christian be a Christian in God's eyes? The well-trodden way of righteousness is a life that is lived in obedience to God’s Word and there is no death at the end of that life! Jesus warns, in Matthew 7:21-23: “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

Is your path of life without death?

Yours faithfully in the Saviour’s Service,
Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew
Advisory Pastor

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